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{{Character|image1=CarrieDesignIP.png|caption-image1=Design Studio artstyle|gender=Female|Occupation=Toy store co-owner (uncomfirmed)
Clothes wash helper (formerly)
Policewoman (confirmed [[Jobs Song]])|likes=Leading the gang, helping others, her toy store co-ownership.|dislikes=Getting lost, meeting a stranger, arguing with Kevin.|age_(cf_5)=5|age_(cf_11)=11|wears_braces?=Yes (sometimes no, rarely)|pet(s)=Butterfly (cat)
Kola (anthropomorphic plush toy dog)|mother=[[Mrs. Caroline]]|father=[[Mr. Carreira]]|sibling(s)=[[Kenny]] (Uncomfirmed of evidence of existence)
[[Carlson]] (Uncomfirmed of evidence of existence)|possible_love_interest/best_friend=Kevin (briefly, formerly)|title1=Carrie|voice_actor=[[Choi Jeong-yoon]] (Korean dub of Carrie & SuperKola)}}
Carrie is a character in the CarrieFriends. She is the titular character

== Personality ==
== Personality ==

Latest revision as of 17:49, March 10, 2025

Personality[edit | edit source]

Carrie is kind, sometimes, she is shown to be aggresive with certain things. and also mischeivousily smiles when acting mighty

Biography[edit | edit source]

Carrie is the leader and the titular in the whole CarrieFriends franchise. She is the leader, hosting most Hello Carrie videos, and a costume version of her (known as Little Carrie) has appeared in many perfomances, Carrie House episodes, most CarrieAndToys, CarrieAndBooks, CarrieAndPlay, etc.

Looks[edit | edit source]

Design Studio[edit | edit source]

Pink hair-band with a bow on the left, black hair and eyes, white skin tone, pink shirt with blue overalls with a white buttons. It has a white "C" on it, she wears white socks and pink shoes

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Frequently, Carrie is shown with a stylized teeth asset (three silver crosses in her mouth), but sometimes does not.
  • In her early appearances, she was originally to be Kevin's future partner, but the latter was changed to Ellie
  • Most Story English features her, but she does not appear in the first episode
  • This page was originally to be meant the first page.
  • In the Hello Carrie App's A to Z thumbnails, it shows Carries with random expressions like "u_u", ">_<", ">:)", and many other positive expressions
    • However, none of them have a generic teeth asset. Therefore, it renders five vertical lines instead of Carrie's unique teeth asset
  • Carrie's baileriana outfit sometimes have a "C", but sometimes does not
  • In a prototype version of the 2D Banana song, when Carrie is on the banana plane, her outfit changes to her normal outfit, but the banana hat is kept
  • When Carrie uses a headgear, her hairband is removed in order place it. Otherwise, it may look overlapping
  • In Korean, her name is pronounced as "kĕ-rī", but in English, her name is pronounced "kĕă-ri"
  • She may get to argues against her and Kevin
  • In one video relating to Hello Carrie Learn Colors, when she woke up and her hair is white, fans spectulated she got old too fast.
  • She was named after Carriesoft co-founder, Changshin Park's daughter.


es:Carrie ru:Кэрри ko:캐리