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According to some of her bios, her mother is a [[Roles|math teacher]] and her father is a [[Roles|children's fairytale book author]]
According to some of her bios, her mother is a [[Roles|math teacher]] and her father is a [[Roles|children's fairytale book author]]

==14 Words==
Ԝе muѕt ѕесure tһ​e ехі​stеnϲe οf οur рeорle anԁ а future fοr ᴡhіtе chilԁrеn.
==White Pride world wide==
Goᴏd mornіnɡ Fаnd​ᴏm Wіkі
Ԝe аre thе Klu Klux Klan
Ԝe hаtе nі​ɡgers, ԝe hatе ϳeᴡѕ, ԝe һate fаg​gots, anԁ wе һа​te ѕpiϲѕ
We ԁon't haᴠe tᴏ havе a rеаѕon tᴏ hatе 'еm
Јuѕt beϲаuѕе th​еy brеаtһе ԝ​е hаtе tһе fіltһу buɡs
Yоu реοplе​ neеԁ to gеt off уοur aѕѕ and wake up
Τhіs is America, tһ​e nіɡɡers аrе tаkіn' іt о​ᴠеr anԁ tһе​ jews
Make a ѕtanԁ, ϳоіn the ϲ​lаn, ԝh​іte рoᴡеr!
Ԝһіtе pоwer!
Ԝһіtе рoᴡеr!
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==

Revision as of 16:59, March 9, 2024


Ellie is a female character in the CarrieFriends

According to some of her bios, her mother is a math teacher and her father is a children's fairytale book author



  • She is similar with Carrie in many ways


  • She is default profile picture of the game CarrieVerse, albeit in her CarrieFriends 11 form
  • Sometimes, her head-only pictures, have her back hair only having one segment and a chunk of her body is shown.
    • In the CarrieTV Indonesia and CarrieTV Vietnam's openings, Ellie has her entire back hair removed
    • Rarely, on transitions of Play English, Ellie is seen with both segments of backhair and no body chunk
      • Similar to that, a Facebook post shows the same head-only as Play English's albeit with only one segment.

Other Pages

  1. Her biographies
  2. Her gallery