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Tami is a female character in the CarrieFriends
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- In CarrieVerse, she is named "Tommy" and has male pronouns, The name change also affected Eden as "Ethan"
- Interestingly, they are both tertiary characters
- She and Yuni are similar in many ways
- Both are female
- Both favor the color red
- Both have a consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel in their names
- They also have I at the end of their names
- However, if one says Y is a vowel, Tami will be the only one to start her name with consonant
- They also have I at the end of their names
- Both appear in Carrie Housewhe
- An early design of the Design Studio Tami exists, in Daddy's taking us to the zoo tommorow, where she has two lumps on the top part of her hair, a detailed zipper, the stripes on the front part of her hoodie, a dark red part between her sweatpants and hoodie, and the white stripes are also visible.