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Revision as of 14:52, February 13, 2024 by Temp>Thepb95dude (Created page with "{{Character|image1=Katy.jpg|caption-image1=Appearence in the 2D ABC with Carrie|gender=Female|paraphernalia=Wooden pointer stick|Occupation=Teacher|likes=Her students|age_(cf_5)=Adulthood|age_(cf_11)=Early-elder (possibly)|wears_braces?=Unknown|pet(s)=Unknown|title1=Katy}} Katy is a teacher. She appears in some Hello Carrie app promotions and ABC with Carrie == Wiki's bio == She based off of a real Hello Carrie teacher named Katy. == Looks == The front hair is similar...")
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Katy is a teacher. She appears in some Hello Carrie app promotions and ABC with Carrie

Wiki's bio

She based off of a real Hello Carrie teacher named Katy.


The front hair is similar to Carrie's, her skin tone is almost black (sometimes light tan), she has back hair similar to Carrie's mother. She also wers red glasses, a purple uniform with two buttons and light blue jeans with red shoes similar to Tami.


  • Her real life counterpart is also a textbook supervisor
    • She is also an ESL teacher, teaches at Auburn University, Alabama, USA