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Lucy is a female character in the CarrieFriends
- On the description about CarrieFriends 5 in the Carriesoft site, her name is replaced with Julie's
- In the Jobs Song, Lucy is shifting are focus from a detective to a doctor.
- She is the only secondary CarrieFriends character to have a plush toy, alongside Stella.
- Also, her bio in her plush toy ad implies that she is Carrie's young cousin. It is unkown if this is confirmed
Let's not waste any time!
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- Like Kevin and his sister, Lucy has orange hair
- She and Kevin are similar in many ways
- Both have orange hair
- Both have a vowel as the second letter of their names
- Both have freckles
- Both have green eyes
- Both have the socks colour
- She and Kevin are similar in many ways
- Interestingly, she and Kevin's sister have the same hairstyle
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"Eden likes science because he looks like his dad, a scientist, and Dougie loves drawing. Uni is a fashionista and Tami is an athletic girl with excellent athleticism. Stella loves to dance, and Julie dreams of becoming a detective."