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Revision as of 15:05, January 9, 2024 by Temp>Thepb95dude (Created page with "{{Character|title1=Kevin|image1=KevinDesignIPArtstyle.png|caption-image1=In his Design Studio art style, his legs are spaced but it's offscreen|basicinfo=Basic Information|gender=Male|paraphernalia=To be added|Occupation=Kevin's Family|likes=Playing soccer and baseball, Ellie|dislikes=Fighting with Carrie, arguing with her sometimes|carriefriends_information=CarrieFriends Information|age_(cf_5)=5|age_(cf_11)=11|wears_braces?=No (In all media he appears except for Fart Fa...")
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Kevin is a male character in the CarrieFriends.


  • Prior to Eden and Dougie's introductions, Kevin was male in the CarrieFriends
    • Interestingly, they all have "E" in their names