Tobot Mini X, Tobot Mini W lobos byeonsin

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 <title source="title1">
   <default>Tobot Mini X, Tobot Mini W lobos byeonsin</default>
 <image source="image1">

</image> <group> <header source="information">Information</header> <label>Upload date</label> <label>Number of views</label> </group> </infobox>[변신] 또봇 미니 X, 또봇 미니 W 로봇 변신 is a video posted on the CarrieAndToys channel. It is the first video ever posted.

Description[edit | edit source]

The video's title shows up, then it cuts to Tobot X and Tobot W in their car forms, two hands with purple nails picks Tobot X first, then the hands turns Tobot X into his robot form, and then it places him down.

It later picks Tobot W, and then turns him into his robot form, and places him down on the right side of Tobot X.

Another cut shows up, and then the hands turn Tobot and Tobot W back into their car forms.

Toys shown[edit | edit source]

  1. Tobot W (debut) Tobot X (debut)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It is the first video of 2014 that CarrieAndToys posted.
  • It is the first 2 minute video that CarrieAndToys posted

Video[edit | edit source]

File:-변신- 또봇 미니 X, 또봇 미니 W 로봇 변신 - 캐리와장난감친구들